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Management Economics

One-Litter Outdoor Farrowing System by using Artificial Insemination and Hoop Structures

  • Benjamin Larson (Iowa State University)
  • Mark S. Honeyman (Iowa State University)
  • James B. Kliebenstein (Iowa State University)


The one−litter outdoor system of pork production may be improved with advanced technology. Artificial insemination and low cost gestation housing allow replacement gilts to be produced at a lower cost. Electric fencers, all terrain vehicles, and improved management all provide the hog producer an opportunity to raise more hogs at lower cost and with reduced labor. This article provides a budget for a one-litter system in which three groups of 100 sows each are farrowed annually. Seven hundred-fifty pigs are raised to 50 lb from each farrowing. Then, 300 pigs per group are saved from the maternal cross as well as six terminal boars and are finished in hoop structures. Of 900 pigs finished, 390 (130 per group) are kept for replacement gilts (using the hoops for gestation). The remaining are sold as market hogs. Of 130 gilts, 30 are assumed to be non breeders and are sold as open gilts. The remaining 100 gilts are farrowed the following year and sold immediately after weaning. This system farrows 300 litters and markets 2,250 feeder pigs, 500 market hogs, 90 cull gilts, and 300 cull sows per year. Based on current prices (1997) and 7.5 pigs weaned per litter, the cost of production was $41 per 50 lb–pig for all costs; or $32 per 50 lb–pig excluding labor. The system budget is competitive with more capital-intensive confinement systems.

Keywords: ASL R1590

How to Cite:

Larson, B., Honeyman, M. S. & Kliebenstein, J. B., (1999) “One-Litter Outdoor Farrowing System by using Artificial Insemination and Hoop Structures”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).

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