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Management Economics

Kirkwood Community College Terminal Sire Demonstration Project

  • Larry K. McMullen (Iowa State University)
  • Terry L. Steinhart (Iowa State University)
  • Dick Juhl (Kirkwood Community College)
  • Steve Juhl (Kirkwood Community College)


Nine different terminal sire lines were a Yorkshire/landrace sow herd at the Kirkwood Community College over a 30-month time span to determine production and economic merits of different sire lines. 1 The lowest backfat of the progeny came from the Danbred sire line. Premier T-Max sire line gave the progeny the largest loin muscle area and the highest per cent lean. The Waldo Duroc sire line produces the lowest selling age, lowest days to 250 lb., highest terminal sire index and highest overall economic value. The data indicate all the mated sire lines can provide positive contributions to commercial swine production. The use of a particular sire line within a herd will depend on the compliments of the sow herd, the desired progeny results, and the anticipated marketing outlet.

Keywords: ASL R1581

How to Cite:

McMullen, L. K., Steinhart, T. L., Juhl, D. & Juhl, S., (1999) “Kirkwood Community College Terminal Sire Demonstration Project”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).

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