Transporting Isowean Pigs—Part I: Responses to Potential Intransit Nutritional Conditions
The goal of this research effort was to explore the feasibility and protocols to transport isowean pigs long distance. This study was the first part of the effort that examined the nutritional aspects of such a practice. Isowean pigs of PIC genetics (8 to 12 days old, weighing 8 to 9 lb) were subjected to four post-weaning nutrition regimens that lasted for a simulated transportation duration of 72 h at a constant thermoneutral condition. The four nutrition regimens tested ranged from supply of feed and water supplement to absence of both feed and water. Pigs deprived of feed and water had a greater weight loss than the fed pigs or pigs supplied with water only (17 vs. 11% of initial body weight, P
Keywords: ASL R1691
How to Cite:
Xin, H., Harmon, J. D., Harris, D. (., Ewan, R. C. & Gramer, M. L., (2000) “Transporting Isowean Pigs—Part I: Responses to Potential Intransit Nutritional Conditions”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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