Internal Parasites of Pigs Housed in a Hoop Structure and Confinement
Fecal samples were collected from both a confinement building and a hoop building at the ISU Rhodes Research Farm. The fecal samples were collected from heavy market hogs. The fecal samples were frozen and thawed at a later date. Floats were performed on the fecal samples and slides were made from each original fecal sample. The results showed no evidence of internal parasites in pigs from either the confinement or the hoop structures.
Keywords: ASL R1783
How to Cite:
Ford, D. J., Honeyman, M. S. & Thacker, B. J., (2002) “Internal Parasites of Pigs Housed in a Hoop Structure and Confinement”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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