The Economics of Finishing Pigs in Hoop Structures and Confinement Facilities: A Summer Comparison
The two types of pork grow-finish production facilities compared in this study are hoop and total confinement. Results of this study, a summer group, was conducted from April 18, 2000 until September 22, 2000 showed net revenue to be $1.69 per pig greater for the hoop raised pigs. This is the sixth group of finishing pigs, which has been evaluated in these facilities. This group was typical of the previous summer groups with the lower fixed cost advantage that the hoops have being partially offset by higher variable input needs such as feed and bedding. Production values were similar between the two systems with the hoops having a slight advantage in average daily gain but a slight disadvantage in feed conversion.
Keywords: ASL R1784E
How to Cite:
Larson, B., Kliebenstein, J. B., Honeyman, M. S. & Penner, A. D., (2002) “The Economics of Finishing Pigs in Hoop Structures and Confinement Facilities: A Summer Comparison”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 1(1).
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