Genetic Analysis of Pen Data: Validation Using Average Daily Gain and Application to Pen Feed Intake
Individual feed intake is expensive to measure. Alternatively, pen feed intake could be used for genetic evaluation. In this study, the group genetic analysis model previously proposed was validated using average daily gain (ADG) records of nursery pigs and applied to pen average daily feed intake (ADFI) available on those same pigs. The results indicate that pen data can be used to estimate genetic parameters, though with larger standard errors than obtained using individual data. Thus, pen feed intake can be used for genetic evaluation in lieu of individual feed intake data.
How to Cite:
Dekkers, J. C., Cheng, J. & Ma, X., (2019) “Genetic Analysis of Pen Data: Validation Using Average Daily Gain and Application to Pen Feed Intake”, Iowa State University Animal Industry Report 16(1). doi:
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