Oral Presentation

Short-range magnetic correlations and spin-ice rules in quasicrystalline i-Tb-Cd

  • Pinaki Das (Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory)
  • A. Kreyssig (Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory)
  • G. Tucker (Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory)
  • A. Podlesnyak (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  • F. Ye (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  • M. Matsuda (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
  • T. Kong (Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory)
  • Paul C. Canfield (Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory)
  • Rebecca Flint (Iowa State University)
  • Robert J. McQueeney (Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory)
  • Alan I. Goldman (Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory)

Keywords: magnetic diffuse scattering, Quasicrystal

How to Cite:

Das, P., Kreyssig, A., Tucker, G., Podlesnyak, A., Ye, F., Matsuda, M., Kong, T., Canfield, P. C., Flint, R., McQueeney, R. J. & Goldman, A. I., (2018) “Short-range magnetic correlations and spin-ice rules in quasicrystalline i-Tb-Cd”, Aperiodic 2018: Abstracts from the 9th Conference on Aperiodic Crystals 1(2018).

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Published on
01 Jan 2018
Peer Reviewed