Oral Presentation

Magnetism in CoCrFeNiZrx eutectic high-entropy alloys: the influence of microstructure on the properties of a multiphase HEA

  • Primoz Koželj (Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana)
  • S. Vrtnik (Jožef Stefan Institute)
  • S. Guo (University of Ljubljana)
  • S. Sheikh (University of Ljubljana)
  • A. Jelen (Jožef Stefan Institute)
  • J. Luzar (Jožef Stefan Institute)
  • A. Kocjan (Jožef Stefan Institute)
  • Z. Jagličić (University of Ljubljana)
  • A. Meden (University of Ljubljana)
  • H. J. Kim (Korea Basic Science Institute)
  • H. Guim (Korea Basic Science Institute)
  • J. Dolinšek (Jožef Stefan Institute and University of Ljubljana)

Keywords: multiphase materials, microstructure, Magnetism, High-entropy alloys

How to Cite:

Koželj, P., Vrtnik, S., Guo, S., Sheikh, S., Jelen, A., Luzar, J., Kocjan, A., Jagličić, Z., Meden, A., Kim, H. J., Guim, H. & Dolinšek, J., (2018) “Magnetism in CoCrFeNiZrx eutectic high-entropy alloys: the influence of microstructure on the properties of a multiphase HEA”, Aperiodic 2018: Abstracts from the 9th Conference on Aperiodic Crystals 1(2018).

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Published on
01 Jan 2018
Peer Reviewed