Sustainable Enterprise Strategies for Optimizing Digital Stewardship: A Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums. By Angela I. Fritz. [Reviews]
If the COVID-19 pandemic has done anything for libraries, archives, museums, and galleries (GLAMs), it has forced cultural heritage workers to be as efficient as possible in response to lack of funds, staffing, and other resources. Managers have been stretched to do more with less, and even as the pandemic begins to fade, new standards of higher efficiencies and slow return to normal staffing levels will continue to be a theme for years to come. This leads to a twofold challenge: to fully support all the old and new roles while ensuring that this work can be maintained.
How to Cite:
Sayles, S., (2022) “Sustainable Enterprise Strategies for Optimizing Digital Stewardship: A Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums. By Angela I. Fritz. [Reviews]”, Archival Issues 41(2), 77–79. doi:
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