Cover crops are an important component of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy to improve Iowa’s water quality. To meet the goal of a 45 percent reduction in the total nitrogen and phosphorus loads, it is estimated the total number of acres planted to cover crops will need to be at a minimum of four million acres or equivalent to about 20 percent of Iowa’s row crop acres. This implies millions of acres may be seasonally available for grazing.
How to Cite:
Lundy, E., Vittetoe, R., DeJong, J. L., Doran, B., Kassel, P., Loy, D., Sellers, J. & Witt, M., (2018) “Enhancing the Value of Cover Crops through Utilization by Beef Stocker Cattle: Progress Report (Year 2)”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2017(1).
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