The Neely-Kinyon LTAR site was established in 1998 to study the long-term effects of organic production in Iowa. Treatments at the LTAR site, replicated four times in a completely randomized design, include the following rotations: conventional Corn-Soybean (C-S), organic Corn-Soybean-Oats/Alfalfa (C-S-O/A), organic Corn-Soybean-Oats/Alfalfa-Alfalfa (C-S-O/A-A) and organic Corn-Soybean-Corn-Oats/Alfalfa (C-S-C-O/A). Oat/alfalfa plots were field cultivated on April 1, 2021. On April 2, ‘Hayden’ oats were underseeded with ‘Swift’ alfalfa (Albert Lea Seed, Albert Lea, Minnesota) at a rate of 90 lbs. per acre and 15 lbs. per acre, respectively. Plots were cultipacked on the same day as planting. Following harvest of the organic corn plots in 2020, winter rye was no-till drilled at a rate of 75 lbs. per acre October 20, 2020.
How to Cite:
Delate, K., Franzen, H. & Breach, R. J., (2022) “Comparison of Organic and Conventional Crops, Neely-Kinyon Long-term Agroecological Research (LTAR) Site”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2021(1), 9-13.
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