The degradative processes of erosion and nutrient depletion impact the health of land and water resources external to specific farming operations. Nitrate leaching that affects the quality of public drinking water is a serious public health concern for which millions of dollars have been spent to reduce nitrate levels and make drinking water safe in Iowa alone, with another projected $30 million for safe water from new well construction (Iowa Public Radio News, 2021). A maximum contaminant level (10 mg L-1 NO3) has been established to reduce the related health risks, as excessively high nitrate levels can contribute to a potentially lethal physiological disorder in humans. However, it has been reported that no significant change in nitrogen fertilizer use has occurred in recent years in Iowa watersheds; future best management practices should therefore extend beyond fertilizer application rates or timing into the development of alternative systems.
How to Cite:
Bartel, C., Moore, K. J., Fei, S., Lenssen, A. W., Hintz, R. L. & Kling, S., (2022) “Evaluating Perennial Groundcover Establishment Methods and Timing to Reach Successful Stands Within Corn/Soybean Cropping System Constraints”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2021(1), 23–24.
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