The objective of this two-year study was to determine the effect of within-row hill spacing and the number of plants/hill on the yield and fruit size of Aphrodite and Eclipse muskmelon. This two-year study found that Eclipse produced its best early and total yields while maintaining large fruit size in a planting arrangement of one plant every 21 in. and in rows 7 ft apart, equaling a population of 3,556/acre. Aphrodite bore fewer but larger fruit on a plant and produced its best total yield when planted in a high-density arrangement of one plant every 11 in. or 7,112 plants/acre. However, like Eclipse, its early yield was increased when spaced one plant every 21 in. in the row.
How to Cite:
Lawson, V., (2006) “Plant Density Effects on Aphrodite and Eclipse Muskmelon”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2005(1).
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