We investigated the importance of insecticide coverage as it relates to tank mixes of insecticides with postemergent herbicides. Glyophosate is applied to reduce drift, with low pressure and large droplet size. We refer to this as a herbicide best practice (HBP), which is different from how insecticides should be applied for maximum aphid control. An insecticide best practice (IBP) would be an application with high pressure and small droplet size. We also compared insecticides of different classes alone and in combination. Pyrethroids have a longer residual activity, while organophosphates tend to kill more quickly. Combining these may improve efficacy.
Keywords: Entomology
How to Cite:
Johnson, K. D., (2005) “Soybean Aphid Aphis glycines Control Response to Insecticide Coverage in South Central Iowa, 2004”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2004(1).
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