The ISU Western Research Farm, Castana, Iowa is one of the oldest in Iowa dating to 1946. It also has a unique location in the loess hills of western Iowa. The research farm was set up to study the deep loess soils, particularly crop production and soil conservation methods. Although the work at the research farm has transitioned away from traditional plot work, yields of major crops grown at the farm, and climate data are collected each year. Crop yields are a reflection of current technologies and weather. In western Iowa, rainfall is especially critical and is often the limiting factor.
Keywords: Animal Science, RFR A1183
How to Cite:
Honeyman, M. S. & Roush, W. B., (2012) “Yields of Corn, Soybeans, and Alfalfa in Western Iowa: 1990 to 2011”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2011(1).
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