The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of Dismiss 4F (Sulfentrazone) and Sedgehammer 75 WDG (Halosulfuron) on perennial ryegrass maintained at fairway mowing height. The area was established to 38% Divine, 34% Majesty, and 25% Secretariat perennial ryegrass in 2003. The area was mowed at 1.5 in. mowing height. This is slightly higher than golf course fairways in the region, but was necessary this spring because of the very wet conditions on the site. The site received 3 lb nitrogen (N)/1000 ft2 /yr and had received a total of 1.75 lb by the end of the study period. Treatments were applied June 3, 2008 (Table 1). The Dismiss at 0.125 lb a.i./acre was repeat applied on July 1, 2008 (the fifth treatment). No other treatments were repeated. The study was conducted as a randomized complete block with four replications.
Keywords: Horticulture
How to Cite:
Christians, N. E. & Blume, C., (2009) “2008 Perennial Ryegrass Phytotoxicity Trial”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2008(1).
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