Iowa State researchers are helping an Iowa company, Ajinomoto Heartland Lysine, LLC, study the effects of amino acid containing fertilizer on turfgrass growth and stress tolerance. The fertilizer, marketed as AJIFOL GreenNcrease, was found to increase shoot density of creeping bentgrass in an initial study conducted in late summer 2008. Several amino acid containing fertilizers were compared with urea and an untreated control as foliar applied nutrients to Penncross creeping bentgrass maintained at both green height (0.16 in.) and fairway height (0.40 in.).
Keywords: RFR A9054, Horticulture
How to Cite:
Brockhoff, S. R., Christians, N. E. & Summer, P., (2010) “Iowa Produced Amino Acid Fertilizers May Have Biostimulant Effect”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2009(1).
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