A variety of systems are currently used for farrowing naturally raised pigs in cold weather. All generally rely upon a primary heat source capable of maintaining a room temperature of 50°F and auxiliary heat sources (heat lamps, bedding pack, hovers) to create a warmer microclimate for the young pigs. Hoop barns have been rapidly adopted by many niche market pork producers, primarily for finishing animals. With a growing interest in producing pigs for the naturally raised pork market, the National Pork Board, in cooperation with Iowa State University and private individuals, formed a committee to design a farrow-to-finish system utilizing one hoop barn per group of pigs.
Keywords: Animal Science
How to Cite:
Lammers, P. J. & Honeyman, M. S., (2005) “Farrow-to-Finish in a Hoop Barn: A Demonstration”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2004(1).
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