The Northwest Iowa Experimental Association celebrated 50 years of history at the Northwest Research and Demonstration Farm located near Sutherland on June 30, 2004. We had 487 people attend the celebration, which began at 9:30 a.m. with wagon tours of the research taking place on the farm. Elwynn Taylor, ISU Extension climatologist, discussed current weather patterns and reviewed the Iowa weather network. Walt Fehr, ISU distinguished professor in agriculture and agronomy, reviewed historical soybean breeding programs at Iowa State and discussed the new soybean genetics coming out of this program. Antonio Mallarino, ISU agronomy professor, reviewed several years of research on phosphorus and potash placement at the farm. Matt Helmers, ISU ag and biosystems assistant professor, reviewed the water quality research that will start on the new addition to the farm.
How to Cite:
Grigg, A., (2005) “Sutherland Farm Celebrates 50 Years of History”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2004(1).
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