Because of our agricultural resources and extensive experience with field corn production, organic sweet corn can be very successfully grown in Iowa. With the continuing growth of organic food consumption in the United States, organic sweet corn from Iowa can obtain premium prices. Potential major markets across the United States have been identified, so research on production, harvesting, and processing protocols is needed to meet this future demand. One of the key pests in organic sweet corn production is the corn earworm. Earworm control was improved through the addition of a certified organic spreader-sticker in preliminary tests in 2001. This project investigated variety selection for early markets and the efficacy of the naturally occurring soil bacterium, Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), for improved pest management of the corn earworm at the Neely-Kinyon Farm.
Keywords: Horticulture, Agronomy
How to Cite:
Delate, K., McKern, A. & Burcham, R., (2006) “Sweet Corn Variety and Pest Management Trial—Neely-Kinyon Farm, 2005”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2005(1).
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