Manure or fertilizer can be used to supply the phosphorus (P) needs of crops. However, excess P application increases the risk of P loss from fields and of water quality impairment through increased algae growth. Poor water quality in many Iowa lakes has prompted questions about the impact of P management practices on P loss from fields and the effectiveness of using agronomic soil tests for environmental purposes.
Keywords: Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Agronomy
How to Cite:
Mallarino, A. P., Sawyer, J. E., Klatt, J., Kanwar, R. S., Pederson, C. H., Baker, J. L. & Pecinovsky, K. T., (2003) “Fertilizer and Swine Manure Management Systems: Impacts on Agronomic and Environmental Soil Phosphorus Tests and on Phosphorus Loss with Subsurface Drainage”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2002(1).
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