Use of resistant soybean varieties is a very effective strategy for managing soybean cyst nematode (SCN), and numerous SCN-resistant soybean varieties are available for Iowa soybean growers. Each year, public and private SCN-resistant soybean varieties are evaluated in SCN-infested fields throughout Iowa by Iowa State University personnel. The research described in this report was performed to assess the agronomic performance of maturity group (MG) II and III SCN-resistant soybean varieties and to determine the effects of the varieties on SCN numbers or population densities.
Keywords: Plant Pathology
How to Cite:
Tylka, G. L., Gebhart, G. D. & Marett, C. C., (2006) “Evaluation of Soybean Varieties Resistant to Soybean Cyst Nematode in Southeast Iowa in 2005”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2005(1).
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