Increased demand for soybean with modified oil composition has led to the development of new soybean cultivars with reduced levels of linolenic fatty acids. Plant density effects on soybean oil and protein content have been documented. However, little information is available for producers regarding management for growing low-linolenic soybean. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of plant density on linolenic acid of soybean bred to have reduced linolenic acid content (≤ 3%, low-linolenic) and of traditional soybean cultivars (≈ 7%, high-linolenic).
Keywords: RFR A9032, Argonomy
How to Cite:
Pedersen, P., De Bruin, J. & Butler, J., (2010) “Soybean Plant Density Effect on Oil Composition in Low-linolenic Soybean Cultivars”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2009(1).
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