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Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm

Evaluation of Fungicide and Insecticide Seed Treatments on Soybeans

Authors: Alison E. Robertson (Iowa State University) , Daren S. Mueller (Iowa State University) , Stith N. Wiggs (Iowa State University) , Erin W. Hodgson (Iowa State University)

  • Evaluation of Fungicide and Insecticide Seed Treatments on Soybeans

    Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm

    Evaluation of Fungicide and Insecticide Seed Treatments on Soybeans

    Authors: , , ,


Iowa State University personnel assessed fungicide and insecticide seed treatments at the ISU Southeast Research Farm (Crawfordsville). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications. Asgrow AG3632 was planted on May 14, 2012. The control treatment was soybean seeds with no fungicide or insecticide applied as a seed treatment (untreated seed). Within each block there were four treatments that were also treated with foliar insecticide [Leverage 360 (2.8 oz/ac)] and fungicide [Headline (6 oz/ac)] on August 1, which was when soybeans were at the R3 growth stage. Upper canopy foliar disease was assessed on September 4 when soybeans were at the R5/R6 growth stage. No upper canopy foliar diseases were found above 1 percentseverity in 2012,so no analysis of foliar diseases was completed. Plots were harvested on October 8. Total seed weight/plot and moisture was measured, seed weight was adjusted to 13 percent moisture, and yield was calculated.

Keywords: Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Entomology

How to Cite:

Robertson, A. E., Mueller, D. S., Wiggs, S. N. & Hodgson, E. W., (2013) “Evaluation of Fungicide and Insecticide Seed Treatments on Soybeans”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2012(1).

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