Producers continue to look at different management practices to increase corn and soybean yields. One area of interest is planting corn and soybeans in narrow rows. Traditionally, these crops have been planted in row widths of 30 to 38 in. Planters on the market today have the capability to plant corn and soybeans in 15- and 20-in. rows, as well as in twin rows that are spaced 8 in. apart. This study was set up to evaluate the yield impact of planting soybeans in 15-in. rows versus the traditional 30-in. row spacing.
Keywords: RFR A9087
How to Cite:
Rusk, R. & Sievers, J. L., (2010) “Evaluation of Narrow Row Soybeans”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2009(1).
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