As most growers know, high sugar sweet corn has shallow roots and does not germinate well in cold soils. A clear plastic mulch improves the stand, hastens maturity in cool springs, and improves marketability. To utilize 4 ft standard clear plastic the traditional seeding method must be changed. The seeding arrangement involves twin rows, 18 in. apart, with in-row spacing at 12 in. and with 2 plants per position. Center to center of the beds varies from 5.5 to 7 ft. Plant population is higher, approximately 29,000 plants per acre. Irrigation is usually required for high quality yield. Trickle irrigation tubing placed down the center of each bed or 9 in. from each row would allow timely water application based on crop demand. Our objective for the last several years has been to evaluate irrigation scheduling models for sweet corn planted in twin rows on clear plastic mulch.
Keywords: Horticulture
How to Cite:
Taber, H. G. & Smith, B. C., (2001) “Response of Sweet Corn to Irrigation Management”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2000(1).
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