Monthly rainfall and average temperatures for the Northeast Research Farm are shown in Table 1. Water tables for soybean and alfalfa fields and weekly rainfall are shown in Figure 1. The year 2000 proved to be moderately dry compared with the severe flooding that occurred in 1999. Severe flooding did occur just north and northeast of the Iowa border in 2000. Excessive rainfall occurred from May through July of 1999 at the research farm, followed by below normal precipitation for the rest of the year, including most of 2000. Only June and November of 2000 had above average precipitation. The Northeast Research and Demonstration Farm recorded 27.6 inches of rainfall from April through November, 2.67 inches below the past 30-year average and 17 inches below 1999. The last snow of spring occurred on April 7 and the first snow in the fall occurred on November 13, with a total yearly accumulation of 57.0 inches, 20.67 inches more than in 1999.
How to Cite:
Pecinovsky, K. T., (2001) “2000 Crop Season”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2000(1).
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