The south site was originally acquired to study tile drainage, and had tile at different depths and spacings. Some of these spacings and depths were not adequate to drain areas well. To provide adequate drainage in these areas 2,500 feet of tile were installed on the south site. On the north site 1,300 feet of tile were also installed. As agriculture changes over time so do questions about agriculture. To better answer these new questions several research projects were changed or added. The cottonwood breeding work and the soybean cyst nematode research on the farm were doubled. A popcorn breeding experiment was conducted. Chicken manure was applied to several farms in the area. To study the effects of chicken manure on corn yields and soil fertility two experiments were begun.
How to Cite:
Rueber, D., (2001) “Developments at Northern Research and Demonstration Farm”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2000(1).
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