No other event in the life cycle of weeds affects scouting and management timing as greatly as weed emergence. The timing and intensity of weed emergence affect everything from the effectiveness of burndown herbicides and preplant tillage, to timing of postplant tillage and herbicide application, to competitiveness of weeds that escape control, to seed production by surviving plants, to eventually population shifts. Given the importance of weed emergence to all forms of weed management, it seems logical that we should give greater attention to understanding and predicting weed emergence as affected by environmental factors, weed species, and management practices.
How to Cite:
Hartzler, R. G., Buhler, D. D., Sandell, L., Havlovic, B. J. & Olsen, C., (2001) “Emergence Characteristics of Several Annual Weeds”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2000(1).
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