As part of the Northern Grapes Project, research has evaluated various cultural practices to aid in understanding the performance of cold-hardy grape vines (Vitis vinefera-based hybrids) in cold climates. This multi-state research project has led to increased production of cold-hardy grapevines and consumer acceptance. Some cultural practices often utilized in viticulture throughout various parts of the world could potentially be implemented to increase performance and quality of grapes produced in the Midwest. Two of these cultural practices include leaf removal or canopy thinning, as well as fruit thinning or cluster removal. Both practices are typically aimed at improving fruit quality. Our goal was to determine if these practices can be implemented successfully in cold-hardy grapes grown in Iowa.
How to Cite:
McCabe, K., Cochran, D. & Nonnecke, G., (2017) “Cluster Removal on La Crescent and Leaf Removal on Marquette Grapevines”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2016(1).
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