This is the first year of data collection from the fairway height bentgrass trial established in the fall of 2014. The area was maintained at a 0.5 in. mowing height. This is a National Turfgrass Evaluation (NTEP) trial and is being conducted at several research stations in the United States. It contains 17 of the newest cultivars and a number of experimental cultivars. The cultivars are maintained with 4 lb of N/1,000 ft2 per growing season. Fungicides are used as needed in a preventive program. Herbicides and insecticides also are applied as needed.
Keywords: Turfgrass
How to Cite:
Christians, N. & Strey, D., (2016) “Fairway Height Bentgrass Cultivar Trial”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2015(1).
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