Spotted and striped cucumber beetles transmit bacterial wilt by feeding on infected plants. Bacterial wilt is devastating to cucurbit crops, especially muskmelon. Frequent applications of insecticides are the main form of control against cucumber beetles. Perimeter trap cropping (PTC) is a relatively new technique aimed at reducing insecticide sprays and the spread of bacterial wilt. PTC involves planting a border crop (usually 2 rows) that is highly attractive to beetles around a less attractive main crop. Cucumber beetles concentrate on the more attractive perimeter crop, and growers focus most of their insecticide applications on that limited area, reducing pesticide use.
How to Cite:
Nelson, H. & Gleason, M., (2016) “Bacterial Wilt Management in Muskmelonusing Perimeter Trap Cropping”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2015(1).
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