Northern Research and Demonstration Farm

Crop Yields of Long-Term Rotations and Nitrogen Fertilization of Corn in Northern Iowa

Authors: Antonio Mallarino (Iowa State University) , Matthew Schnabel (Iowa State University) , Micah Smidt (Iowa State University) , Rodrigo Repke (Iowa State University) , Louis Thompson (Iowa State University)

  • Crop Yields of Long-Term Rotations and Nitrogen Fertilization of Corn in Northern Iowa

    Northern Research and Demonstration Farm

    Crop Yields of Long-Term Rotations and Nitrogen Fertilization of Corn in Northern Iowa

    Authors: , , , ,


Crop yield can be significantly affected by the crops in a rotation because crop characteristics and associated management practices may influence many soil properties and incidence of weeds and pests. Including legumes in a rotation usually increases soil nitrogen (N) supply for corn. A crop rotation study was started at this farm in 1954 to study the effect on crop yields of seven crop sequences and N fertilization rates for corn. Several rotation and N fertilization changes were made over time until 1984. This report summarizes results since 1985.

How to Cite:

Mallarino, A., Schnabel, M., Smidt, M., Repke, R. & Thompson, L., (2016) “Crop Yields of Long-Term Rotations and Nitrogen Fertilization of Corn in Northern Iowa”, Iowa State University Research and Demonstration Farms Progress Reports 2015(1).

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Published on
01 Jan 2016
Peer Reviewed