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Latino Cultural Centers at PWls: What Can We Learn

  • Adele Lozano (Iowa State University)


Latino Cultural Centers began to appear at predominantly white universities in the Midwest in the early 1970's. These centers and others around the country often began as marginalized spaces of resistance, but have evolved to serve varying purposes within the university environment. Participants will learn about the various roles of Latino cultural centers and how the historical, political and demographic context of an institution influences these roles. Anyone working with underrepresented populations will benefit from this session. A brief history wil l fi rst be offered of Latino cultural centers in the Midwest and provide an""environmental scan" to compare organizationa l/adm ini strative structures, program offeri ngs, and space issues. A discussion wi ll follow of four key programming components of La tino centers: 1) recruitment/retention activities, 2) cultural /educational activities, 3) community outreach activities, and 4) alumni outreach activities. Adele Lozano will then facilitate a discussion in which the audience has an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas regarding the role of cultural centers on their campus. All participants will be provided with a list of Latino Cultural Centers and resources.


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