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“Passing for White:” Living With an Ambiguous Cultural Identity

  • Haley Strass (Iowa State University)


Individuals with multiple cultural identities struggle, internally and within society, as they try to integrate or express their different cultural identities. As our society regards race and racial group membership as an ‘all-or-nothing’ proposition, individuals with multiple cultural identities are often categorized as members only of the race they most closely physically represent.

Multi-racial individuals who are European American (White) as a part of their identity mix, and who physically appear as European American (e.g., light skin, English speaking with no accent), are often seen as engaging in what people of color refer to as “passing for White” or simply ‘passing.’ The ability to ‘pass’ is considered an unfair advantage by people of color who do not appear White and cannot ‘hide’ their race.

This creates a highly difficult issue for multi-racial individuals who physically appear as European American. Their non-White cultural identities are often invalidated by European Americans, persons of color, and even in their own minds - a very unhealthy state of being.

In our presentation, we will discuss research in this area; facilitate an experiential learning activity; and, share our personal experiences being, or knowing, individuals who can ‘pass.’


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