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Keynote Address: Dr. Susana Muñoz

  • Susana Muñoz (Iowa State University)


Dr. Susana Muñoz is assistant professor of Higher Education in the School of Education at Colorado State University (CSU) and co-director of the Higher Education Leadership program. Her scholarly interests center on the experiences of minoritized populations in higher education. Specifically, she focuses her research on identity development, social activism, and campus climate for undocumented Latinx students, while employing perspectives such as Latino critical race theory, Chicana feminist epistemology, and legal consciousness frameworks to identify and deconstruct issues of power and inequities as experienced by these populations. Her first book “Identity, Social Activism, and the Pursuit of Higher Education: The Journey Stories of Undocumented and Unafraid Community Activists” (Peter Lang Publishing) highlights the lives of 13 activists who grapple with their legality as a salient identity. She was recently named by Diverse Issues in Higher Education magazine as one of 25 most influential women in higher education, the recipient of the Outstanding Faculty award from National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Region IV-W, and the recipient of the Mildred Garcia Exemplary Scholarship Award from the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). She is originally from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico but calls Sioux City, Iowa home.


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