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When “Where are you from?” Truly Means “You do not belong here”: Globalization, Displacement, and Discrimination

  • Diana Echiverria (Iowa State University)
  • Hiba Salih (Iowa State University)
  • Oni Chavez Wright (Iowa State University)
  • Jose Carranza (Iowa State University)


How does globalization create the displacement of individuals based on their cultural, racial, and ethnic identities? Globalization is the integration and interaction of distinct cultures, causing displacement and marginalization in the modern world. Displacement can look like microaggressions such as, “Where are you from?” which usually means, “how did you get here?”, or can be communicated through a direct discriminatory phrase: “You don’t belong here” (Asghar, 2019). We will examine narratives of displacement from students who hold multiracial, multicultural, or third culture kid (TCK) identities. TCK individuals are raised in a culture different than their parents’ or that of the country named on their passport. Utilizing students’ experiences and scenarios, we will strategize solutions to raise awareness of challenges faced when holding multiple identities or cultures at a predominantly White institution, such as Iowa State, and how to best advocate for student success.

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