
A Solution-Based Approach to Mass Incarceration Through the Lens of Masculinity and Public Health

  • Andy Montalvo-Martinez (Iowa State University)
  • Kenaiya A. James (Iowa State University)
  • Ikra A. Farah (Iowa State University)


In this interactive presentation, we will discuss mass incarceration and examine solutions through the lens of masculinity and public health. Men comprise more than 90% of the prison and local jail population. This statistic raises the question of how masculinity affects personal and interpersonal relationships, which leads to criminalization. We interviewed Black and Brown men who have encountered the criminal justice system to better understand what masculinity means to them. Incarceration also impacts individuals’ health. As research shows “one year spent in prison corresponds with a two-year reduction in life expectancy.” Incarceration can negatively influence other aspects of life, such as income, education, and housing. Eighty percent of incarcerated individuals come from low-income communities. We will provide solutions that leverage public health resources and allow for a more holistic approach to addressing criminalization, violence, and mass incarceration.



Published on
29 Feb 2024