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Consumer Behavior

Why Collaborative Apparel Consumption is Gaining Popularity? An Empirical Study of U.S. Gen Z Consumers

  • Lindsay McCoy (Washington State University)
  • Yuanting Wang (Washington State University)
  • Ting Chi (Washington State University)


Apparel rental (a.k.a. collaborative consumption) has created an innovative business model, which provides consumers with the ability to focus on using their products instead of ownership, is becoming popular in recent years. To better understand the emerging popularity of apparel rental services among Gen Z adult consumers who are becoming a major driving force for retail growth and sustainability movement,this study aimed to identify the factors significantly influencing the U.S. Gen Z adult consumers’ intention to use apparel rental services. Attitude, subject norms, perceived consumer effectiveness, past environmental behavior, and fashion leadership significantly affect Gen Z consumers’ intent to use apparel rental services. There are no significant differences between ages, genders, education levels, and income levels inregard to their intent to use apparel rental services. Environmental knowledge, fashion leadership,and need for uniqueness positively shape Gen Z consumers’ attitude toward use of apparel rental services.

Keywords: intention to use, Gen Z consumers, collaborative consumption, Apparel rental

How to Cite:

McCoy, L., Wang, Y. & Chi, T., (2020) “Why Collaborative Apparel Consumption is Gaining Popularity? An Empirical Study of U.S. Gen Z Consumers”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:

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