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Undergraduate Research

Augmented and Virtual Reality and Its Effects on Social Responsibility and Fair Trade in the Apparel Industry

  • Kaylyn Wenzel (The Fashion School--Kent State University)
  • Lauren Copeland (Kent State University)


Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) are projected to be more commonly found in retail environments in the next few years, making it a key point of observation. The purpose of this study is to reveal what underlying values must be focused on to increase Fair Trade and social responsibility consumption by Generation Z consumers in the apparel industry through possible implementation of AR/VR. An online survey with a total of 214 respondents was conducted to better understand the use and perception of AR and VR, and how that moderates the effects of knowledge of Fair Trade leading to social responsibility concern and vice versa determining purchase intention. It was found that knowledge does not play a strong role in the use of AR/VR moderating purchase intention. However, focusing on concern of social responsibility in apparel production when using AR and VR and its impact on purchase intention is quite meaningful.

Keywords: Generation Z, Fashion Marketing, Fair Trade, Augmented and Virtual Reality, fashion marketing, Social Responsibility, Fair trade, Augmented and virtual reality

How to Cite:

Wenzel, K. & Copeland, L., (2020) “Augmented and Virtual Reality and Its Effects on Social Responsibility and Fair Trade in the Apparel Industry”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:

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