AI Digitalization And Automation Of The Apparel Industry And The Human Workforce Skills
The purpose of this research was to explore the impacts of AI digitalization and automation in regards to apparel industry processes, through objectives seeking to better understand how the transition to AI is affecting skill competencies required for the human workforce. As well, this research aimed to vision how to train the workforce and with what methods to train the workforce, in an effort to best prepare (both workers and businesses) for Industrial shift to AI and automation. The objectives of this research were to (1) To better understand the current status of apparel industry processes and workforce; (2) To comprehend how the apparel industry’s future should be aligned with the AI digitalization of apparel industry processes; (3) To anticipate how the apparel industry workforce must be trained and prepared for anticipated technological changes.
Keywords: workforce, Apparel Industry, A.I., Digitalization
How to Cite:
Gangoda, A., Cobb, K. & Krasley, S., (2020) “AI Digitalization And Automation Of The Apparel Industry And The Human Workforce Skills”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:
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