Explore Retailers’ Merchandising Strategy for Sustainable Cotton Apparel in the U.S. Retail Market
The purpose of this study is to empirically examine U.S. retailers’ merchandising strategy for sustainable cotton apparel, focusing on their product assortment and pricing practices. The findings of this study will fulfill a critical research gap and significantly enhance our understanding of U.S. apparel retailers’ business strategy for sustainability. The findings of the study can also provide valuable inputs for fashion companies interested in exploring the promising, competitive, and dynamic sustainable cotton apparel market in the U.S.
Keywords: retailer, sustainability, pricing, merchandising strategy, sustainable cotton
How to Cite:
Lu, S. & DuBreuil, M., (2020) “Explore Retailers’ Merchandising Strategy for Sustainable Cotton Apparel in the U.S. Retail Market”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.11826
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