“Set Up for Success”: Creating an Online Image Database To Enhance Learning in a Dress History Course
Wecreated a teaching resource of supplemental images to enhance student successin an undergraduate European and North American dress history survey course. Weprioritized the inclusion of images depicting the dress of historicallymarginalized populations and images of items not already in the textbook orweekly lecture. This teaching tool was utilized in three ways to help studentsprepare for their final exam. Students viewed the images in a review ofsilhouettes through time, ordered images in a timeline exercise, and wrotebrief image descriptions. They were challenged to think critically aboutprogressions of silhouette and style change, rather than viewing each timeperiod as independent from the others. The writing exercise also challengedstudents to contextualize the images and to utilize their vocabulary aboutdress history.
Keywords: Dress history, Image database, Teaching resource
How to Cite:
French, E. & Gordon, J. F., (2022) ““Set Up for Success”: Creating an Online Image Database To Enhance Learning in a Dress History Course”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 78(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.11847