Gen Z, Instagram Influencers, and #OOTD Hashtags’ Effect on Purchase Intention of Apparel
This study aims to understand Gen Z and their relationship to influencers on #OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) on Instagram and how the credibility of the influencer, parasocial interaction (PSI), physical attractiveness, and self-confidence of the influencer are related and ultimately affect the purchase intention of consumers. The study was conducted using the online survey platform Qualtrics. A total of 304 participants of the study took an online survey consisting of 26 questions, including demographic and usage inquiries. All items were placed on a 3 pt. Likert scale (1: Disagree; 2: Neutral; 3: Agree) to discourage survey fatigue. This study’s main finding is that physical attractiveness is not as important to consumers as credibility, PSI, and confidence. With PSI being the strongest predictor of purchase intention. Transferring confidence and credibility are the most important aspects of influencing this generation on Instagram and creating a relationship with followers.
Keywords: Purchase Intention, Consumer Behavior, Parasocial Interaction (PSI), Instagram Influencer, Gen Z
How to Cite:
Huang, O. & Copeland, L., (2020) “Gen Z, Instagram Influencers, and #OOTD Hashtags’ Effect on Purchase Intention of Apparel”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:
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