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Design and Product Development

How Critical Are We? A Content Analysis of ITAA’s Design Proceedings from 2006 to 2019 from a Critical Design Theory Perspective

  • Gozde Goncu-Berk (University of California, Davis)
  • Eun-Hyuk Yim (Sungkyunkwan University)


The dissemination and creation of critical design which offers potential to engage inquiry through design mostly remain in the realms of academic research, design scholarship contexts and pedagogical activities as they are free from market constraints (Malpass, 2017). This study aims to explore the professional, graduate and undergraduate design abstracts published in ITAA’s design proceedings from 2006 to 2019 through a critical design lens using a derivation of Malpass’ framework for categorization of contemporary critical design. The specific objectives were 1) to lay out the trend in critical qualities of design abstracts over time, 2) to analyze the difference among professional, graduate and undergraduate design abstracts about their critical qualities.

Keywords: Content Analysis, Design Proceedings, Critical Design

How to Cite:

Goncu-Berk, G. & Yim, E., (2020) “How Critical Are We? A Content Analysis of ITAA’s Design Proceedings from 2006 to 2019 from a Critical Design Theory Perspective”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:

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