Flowing Lines on The Fabric
The primary inspiration for the Flowing Lines on The Fabric was the initial concept of the optical illusion, the use of still images to achieve dynamic vision, and the striking relevance of computer-aided design and drafting. The purpose of this design research was to demonstrate the usage of the innovative technology of laser cutting on creations of optical illusion motifs through two pieces garments in one wearable art outfit. Quadrado of Rubem Ludolf (1955) and Disfigured Circle by Bridget Riley (1963) were used as the inspirational pictures for the top and the skirt, respectively. The whole design process mainly consisted of two steps. The first step involved creating motif patterns for laser cutting and the second step was implementation. This design project demonstrates an innovative approach to exploring the application of optical art concepts to textile design through laser cutting techniques.
Keywords: digital patternmaking, optical illusion, engineered pattern, laser cutting
How to Cite:
Jiang, L., (2020) “Flowing Lines on The Fabric”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.12029
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