Hardwater Parka
Ice fishermen face cold temperatures, blustery winds and cannot produce enough heat metabolically due to their stationary position to stay warm (Zhang, 2002). Thermoregulatory comfort is key to fishermen, so they can stay out on the ice and enjoy their sport. It is essential to have a shelter if one is planning to spend an extensive amount of time out on the ice. Current ice fishing shelters are so bulky they are often carried onto the ice via sled. The Hardwater Parka is a hybrid outerwear product that not only keeps the fisherman warm but provides a modular wind shelter that can be carried in unison. It consists of an 100% cotton canvas base, with cotton quilting for durability and insulation. It also has Yulex (non-neoprene) cuffs, and an insulated hood. The wind barriers are organic in shape and encapsulates the athlete protecting them from the harsh winds.
Keywords: Wind, Shelter, Modular, Ice Fishing
How to Cite:
Smith, M. C., (2020) “Hardwater Parka”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.12078
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