Experiencing the Difference Between a Virtual and In-Person Fit Session
This instructional activity compared the fitting differences between personal avatar fit simulation and traditional muslin fittings to explore fitting accuracy and examine outcomes which can be useful for scholars, researchers, and to guide future directions of computer fitting simulations. Through adoption of technology, both small and large retailers could increase sizing accuracy and increase consumers trust thereby increasing profits. Research suggests that consumers express readiness to use avatars to try on clothing when the body size of the avatar appears to be close to their own size.
Keywords: Muslin-Fitting, Structure, Avatars, Fitting-simulation, Body-scanning
How to Cite:
Lin, S., Kang, J. M. & Boorady, L. M., (2020) “Experiencing the Difference Between a Virtual and In-Person Fit Session”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.12106
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