The Effects of Sustainability Perceptions on Perceived Values and Brand Love for Outdoor versus Fast Fashion Apparel Brands
Sustainability is an imperative strategy for businesses today. Many apparel brands have implemented sustainable practices in their operations which often affect consumers’ perception of the brand related to sustainability. The purpose of this research was to investigate the perception of sustainability and brand love amongst Generation Z consumers by comparing outdoor and fast fashion apparel brands. A total of 213 usable data were used for data analyses. The results of the study indicate Generation Z consumers’ brand love is more related to the perceived quality of outdoor apparel brands than on the perceived value of fast fashion apparel brands. Applying the value creation framework, the value consumers place on apparel is related to sustainability based on the perceived quality of products. This will eventually impact the profitability and long-term viability of the company.
Keywords: brand love, perceived values, Generation Z, fast fashion apparel, outdoor apparel, Sustainability
How to Cite:
Hicks, H., Fowler, D. C., Chang, H. J. & Jai, T. C., (2020) “The Effects of Sustainability Perceptions on Perceived Values and Brand Love for Outdoor versus Fast Fashion Apparel Brands”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:
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