How Social Media Type, Electronic Word-of-Mouth, and Product Price Influence Attitude and Intention to Purchase Ethical Apparel for US Female Consumers
The research purpose was to investigate the effects of different types of social media (blog vs. video), eWOM (positive, negative, and neutral), and price ($20 vs. $40) on consumer attitude towards purchase and intent to purchase ethical apparel. An experimental research design surveyed 891 female US residents ages 18-72. ANOVA analysis revealed that participants exposed to positive eWOM had significantly higher attitude than those exposed to neutral and negative eWOM. Positive eWOM also resulted in significantly higher purchase intention than negative eWOM. Social media type and price did not significantly influence attitude or purchase intention. These findings indicate that consumers might not be price sensitive to ethical apparel products when clear information is given. Brands should inform consumers via social media with transparent information. Companies should find ways to provide positive eWOM about ethical apparel including incentives, brand representatives, and encouraging purchase reviews.
Keywords: electronic word of mouth, social media, ethical apparel
How to Cite:
Abner, M., Baytar, F. & Karpova, E. E., (2020) “How Social Media Type, Electronic Word-of-Mouth, and Product Price Influence Attitude and Intention to Purchase Ethical Apparel for US Female Consumers”, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings 77(1). doi:
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